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Pro Blog using Evernote
Use your Evernote app notes as content for your blog. Just add a "published" tag to your note and you're done.
Pro Markdown support
You can write using Markdown syntax on
Pro Good themes
Well-designed themes, more than you would expect for a lightweight solution.
Pro Familiar to Evernote users
It's based on a tool you probably already know well and use a lot. No need to go anywhere else.
Pro Customizable themes
You can change the look and layout of your blog.
Pro Custom domain support allows for using your own custom domain.
Pro Multimedia support
Any media file you can use in Evernote, such as images, audio, video can be used in
Pro Comments system
People can leave comments on your blog via the Disqus comments system.
Pro RSS feeds
People can subscribe to your blog using RSS feeds.
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