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Pro Able to browse merchants by category
Typing a word into the merchant look-up will identify results. Merchants can also be grouped by product category.
Pro Diverse payout options
Skimlinks pays via Paypal, bank transfers, or check.
Pro Detailed earnings report
Pro Transparent commission percentages
All commission percentages are disclosed upfront.
Pro Responsive customer support
Pro Low payout threshhold
Minimum payment starts at $10.
Pro Lots of widgets
Widgets are optimized for blogging.
Con Not optimized for non-UK users
As a UK company, US publishers will have to pay tax (~3%) for earnings.
Con Takes up to 3 business days for approval
New accounts must await an approval process that can take up to three business days, no instant setup-and-use.
Con Relatively small merchant base
Skimlink claims to have 20,000 merchants in their network.
Commonly Compared