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Pro Lovely locals
The people of Tromso are lovely and welcoming, greeting you on the street and responding to your poor attempts at speaking Norweigan with a smile and response in perfect English.
Pro Relatively mild climate for latitude
Due to it's coastal location, Tromso is much milder in winter than other locations at the same latitude.
Pro Great location for sightings all year round
Tromso is located in the Northern Lights oval, the area with the greatest chance of sightings.
Con Lots of hills and uneven roads
While the main part of town is down at sea-level, the rest of the town builds up behind it on some quite steep hills and many unsealed/uneven roads. This can be slightly treacherous in winter so best to have shoes with substantial grip and don't take a wheeled suitcase if you're staying out of town and up a hill - it will be quite a workout!
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