The SCP Foundation is a collaborative writing website that describes the exploits of the SCP (Special Containment Procedures) Foundation, a fictional organization responsible for containing entities, locations, and objects that violate natural law (referred to as SCPs).
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Pro Stories leave many details to the reader's imagination
A lot of stories found within SCP Foundation have redacted details, following the saying of "less is more". By leaving a lot to the reader's imagination, the stories become much more terrifying than if they would have every single detail spelled out.
Pro Originality is of utmost importance
SCP Foundation has a very strict policy on the originality of the stories posted in there. If any story has a reference or similarity to an existing work, it gets deleted immediately.
Con Authors are not credited
Since it's a wiki, anyone can work on any story. Unfortunately, it's next to impossible to find the author of a particular story.