is a consumer resource that has ranked and reviewed over 3,000 companies spanning over 100 industries. The site has gone to great lengths to compare these companies fairly and transparently, while also allowing for actual customers to post their own reviews.
In addition to providing a one-stop platform for people everywhere to read up on companies (for free), also allows a level of customer-business interaction that few other review sites can provide. Businesses will actually see your reviews and start a dialogue to help you resolve any concerns you may have.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Offers a comprehensive ranking of the top companies in an industry
Pro Provides a quick look at the most important factors in any industry
Pro Gives actual customers a voice
Customers can leave their own reviews in a place where businesses can actually see/respond to them.
Pro Explains how they rank each company
At the top of the page is a How We Rank button, which loads another page explaining the criteria of how they rank each company in a given industry. This is helpful to give some context behind certain criteria points, and helps you determine which aspect of an industry is most important to you.
Pro Data-driven rankings
All expert scores are calculated by carefully chosen ranking criteria.
Con Still growing
Despite having reviewed 3,000 companies, there are still several companies/industries that have not been reviewed.