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Pro Comparatively safe base coin
You can easily transfer in almost any current coin, no matter how volatile, and transfer it to the relatively stable BNB token.
Pro Protection
Binance has many unique proprietary methods for combating fraud. Including protecting users from bad coins. While rare, problem coins are delisted extremely quickly.
Pro Every major coin
And most minor ones. Excluding fraud and bankruptcy, it’s easy to get listed and very difficult to get delisted.
Pro Comparatively save base coin
You can easily transfer in almost any current coin, no matter how volatile, and transfer it to the relatively stable BNB token.
Con Overwhelming and confusing
The extreme volume of both trading options and supported currencies, combined with poor help, makes it overwhelming for beginners.
Con BYOC (Bring your own coins)
Binace does not have a fiat to currency system. The only way to trade on binance is to buy their private currency, or deposit crypto from other wallets/exchanges at a fee.
Con No buy in
Binance does NOT offer direct fiat to crypto transactions. You can only buy into the binance currency, which you then trade for other coins.
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