News aggregator site with the following tagline "Don’t be fooled by media bias and fake news. Unbiased news does not exist; we provide balanced news and civil discourse."
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Pro Encourages "civil discourse and responsible free speech"
Not only is there a pledge that visitors can avow to, but Allsides will be expanding their communication tools for students to be available for the general public. In the meantime, they have links to similar projects and sites on their "Conversation" page.
Pro Thoughtful, clear FAQ & About pages
They identify their own editorial biases, clearly explain the intent behind many of the administrative, editorial & design choices they've made, and invite constructive criticism to help better align themselves to their stated intent.
Pro Free, easy syndication of news on your own site
Allsides provides cut-n-paste code that allows anyone to plug a "balanced feed" news widget into their own site. Currently, there are 3 styles available.
Pro Extensive tools & resources for schools
The AllSides for Schools project has not just lesson plans, but also communication tools, activities to get students conversing and engaged with a topic, and more to help students become well-rounded participants in the political process, regardless of their individual political philosophy.
Pro In-depth descriptions of political terms and other "trigger words"
In partnership with , Allsides invites visitors to examine how their personal definitions of certain phrases and words might be out of step with how others tend to use the terms, thus leading to misunderstanding and conflict.
Pro Clearly stated editorial philosophy
With a prominent link in the top menu bar, they clarify the distinction between their commitment to link to stories from across the political spectrum, and their editorial choice to "amplify" perspectives that don't get as much mainstream media coverage so that readers can see a broader range of voices.
Con Citizens of countries other than the USA may feel excluded by the American bias of the site
While they have now clarified on the FAQ page the reasons behind this bias, and state their desire to expand and include other regions, there currently aren't any "international editions" of Allsides.
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