Commonly Compared
uBlock Origin
Review of uBlock Origin powered by the Slant community.
uBlock Origin is a low resource ad blocking add-on for the Chrome and Edge browser.
Supported platformsBrowser Addon
BlockingBrowser Only
Browsers:Available on Chrome,Firefox,Opera & Edge Stores. Can be used in brave & vivaldi with chrome store
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Light weight
Pro Open source
Pro Promised to remain commercial interest free
uBlock will remain free from any commercial as stated by the creator. uBlock is meant to be strictly for the users and completely free.
Pro Lots of advanced features
For example, you can add more items to your HOST files like disable social tracking.
Pro Thoughtful UI
Its non-invasive design shows you how many times something's been blocked on a given web page – that number quickly jumps to the double- if not triple-digits in some cases.
Pro Can be used on Firefox Mobile
Pro Detects skimming
Skimming means replacing links so that they are rerouted, this is mostly a more friendly way to make money than showing ads.
Pro Edge version
Also available for Microsoft Edge browser.
Commonly Compared
uBlock Origin