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Pro Less bloated than Google
Ad settings are removed.
Pro Adblock
Blocks ads.
Pro Fast
Even faster than Google Chrome.
Pro Always secure 24/7
Con Unable to block Verizon media trackers
Con Lags and freezes
Something needs to be done about it.
Con Has Yahoo as its default search engine
Which is quite ironic for this "privacy" browser with Verizon Media.
Con Lacks tracker blocking features on websites you visit
Con Same security holes as Yahoo
Cake uses the same browser as Yahoo, meaning that it has the same security holes as Yahoo. Yahoo is also a big target for hackers, and a web page that will hack Yahoo also will hack cake.
Con Dumbed down its latest versions
Before, Cake almost felt like DuckDuckGo. Now it's dumbed down, it almost feels like Chrome/Chromium. For example, it's still not secure on websites you visit.
Con Has odd behavior
When you leave the app and go back in, it lets you go back to the top of the page, rather than where you are.
Con Mobile-only
Cake is currently available on mobile only. Due to the screen size, cake is not available on windows, linux, etc.
Con Depends on Yahoo
Since it's based on Yahoo.
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