Quickly build custom apps that will solve your business problems with Claris FileMaker. Built in templates, add-ons, and a low-code drag and drop design allows anyone with any skill level to create powerful custom apps to accelerate your business.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Rapid deployment
Can use built-in templates or add-ons to deploy your solution quickly.
Pro Large support community
Pro Low code
The platform is low code and for non-developers to use.
Pro Compatible for small or large apps
Pro Integrations with other platforms is simple
Straightforward and simple to integrate FileMaker with other platforms.
Pro Owned by Apple
A stable, reliable, and trustworthy platform owned by Apple.
Pro Easily customizable and flexible
Easy to customize for business needs.
Pro Hosting and sharing is simple
Con Outdated look and feel
Con Will need to invest some time into learning the basics
Have to spend some time to get to know the database design and scripting, slightly longer learning curve with FileMaker than with other similar platforms.
Con Not executable
Requires software install and maintain on all clients.
Con Licensing can be a barrier to entry
Licensing can be expensive.