real-time framework for building collaborative web apps, with templating and server-side rendering support. Derby's data manipulation layer ("Racer") is built on top of ShareJS, an operational transformation library enabling concurrent editing of documents with eventual consistency between multiple users.
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Pro Real time communication between server and client
Derby enables the client and server to sync models across the board in real-time.
Pro Views are rendered on the server
Derby renders it's client-side views on the server. This means that there's no "delay" in serving the content to the browser when the user requests it. It's also very helpful for SEO purposes.
Pro Same code can be run on the client and server
The same code can be run on both the server and the client, because Derby is a full-stack JavaScript-everywhere platform.
Con Small community
Derby seems to have a small community of followers, at least compared to other Node full-stack frameworks. So it could be difficult for a beginner to find examples or help if they get stuck somewhere in their development.