This is a dehumidifier which also works as an air purifier, which is an ideal combination for those who suffer from allergies. This avoids the need to get two devices, saving both space and money.
Pro Also acts as an air purifier
In addition to its dehumidifying capabilities, this device filters the air from allergens, mold, mildew, and pollen using a built-in HEPA filtration system. This makes the air around you fresher and healthier. You can select between using only the dehumidifier or the purifier functionality, or both.
Pro Saves space and money
This device is a great alternative to having two devices: an air purifier and an air dehumidifier. As it requires less maintenance, takes less space, and consumes less energy compared to two separate units, it's much more beneficial to have this two-in-one machine.
Pro Can be left unattended
There are several smart features on this dehumidifier that allow it to be left unattended. You can set the desired humidity level and once it’s reached, the machine will maintain it. If a drainage hose is added, you won’t need to worry about emptying the bucket. The unit will also defrost itself if the coils get frozen and if a power outage happens, the device will restart automatically.