Star Wars: Battlefront II is a shooter game playable in both first and third person, focusing primarily on multiplayer. You can play as a trooper of the Empire, a rebel soldier, a battle droid, and even well-known characters from the Star Wars franchise such as Han Solo or Darth Vader.
Pro Excellent arcade mode
Battlefront II includes an arcade mode where you alone or with a friend via split-screen or online, can fight against waves of enemies. This is a welcome addition for players that don't enjoy competitive multiplayer, but would like to have some Star Wars-themed fun.
Pro Solid team-based gameplay
Battlefront II has fast-paced action and large scale battles between two teams, pitting two of the six available factions against each other. You can shoot blasters, swing lightsabers, and drive various vehicles such as AATs or AT-MTs. You can even take part in space battles while piloting one of the many starfighters. Whichever gamemode you choose, it always feels like an epic struggle that will keep you interested for a long time.
Pro Breathtaking graphics
Battlefront II is a visual spectacle, surpassing the vast majority games in its generation. Texture quality, model detail, shadow mapping, lighting, reflections, particle effects, and just about every aspect of the graphics is top of the line. Whether you're taking part in a dogfight in outer space, circling asteroids and shooting Tie Fighters with your X-wing Starfighter. Or if you're advancing through the city of Theed as a battle droid, systematically eliminating Stormtroopers. Battlefront II is an incredibly cinematic and beautiful experience.
Pro Great fun for Star Wars fans
It's a very accurate depiction of the Star Wars universe, featuring the vast majority of iconic characters, including Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, and even newer characters such as Kylo Ren. There is also a set of excellent locations, including Theed, the capital of Naboo, the Jedi temple on Coruscant, and various others. It's a game most Star Wars fans won't want to miss.
Pro You can switch between first-person and third-person camera at any time
You can switch the camera view at any time, allowing you to play Battlefront II either as an FPS game or as a third-person action game. Neither camera view has any game-breaking advantages, so the choice is entirely up to your preference. This is also a great way to keep the gameplay from going stale since switching the camera view alters the overall experience.
Con Grindy progression system built on corporate interest
To earn the currency for unlocking everything (guns, characters, etc) in Battlefront II you'd have to play for over 4000 hours, averaging to about 6 hours every day for nearly 2 years. On top of that, this is after the developer cut item costs by 75%, yet it's still incredibly tedious for regular players and an absolute nightmare for completionists. The developer initially built around this idea by adding loot boxes, which would allow players to spend real money for unlocks, totaling to about $2000 for everything. After an outrage in the gaming community, the developer swiftly removed the loot boxes, but the player base's trust and the game's overall longevity has already been impacted negatively.
Con Campaign's story is a wasted opportunity
While the story starts out really interesting, it quickly loses steam due to a questionable direction and illogical character development. There are constraints because story is considered canon and has to fit into the Star Wars continuity, but the writers could have done so much more with it.