Injustice: Gods Among Us is a fighting game based on the DC universe. You can play as one of the more prominent DC universe characters, including Batman, Superman, and Joker.
Pro Great fun for DC fans
The game has 30 characters from the DC universe. This includes fan favorites such as Batman, Superman, Flash, and Green Lantern.
All the characters have decent story arcs, fitting well into the "Superman going rogue" storyline. The character interactions before battles provide additional exposition. It's especially fun hearing Joker mock Batman. Or seeing Lex Luthor meet a different kind of Superman.
Pro Interactive stages make the fights more dynamic
Most of the characters have some way to interact with environment and use it for battle. Superman can lift a car and throw it at his opponent and Batman can attach a bomb and explode it. This gives more variation in attack patterns, keeping you and your opponent guessing.
Additionally, you won't always end a fight in the stage where you started. This is because using a power move near the edge of a stage will cause you to transition to another stage. When transitioning you'll see a cut-scene and end up in a new stage. One such area is the Batcave where there's the upper and lower level. You can either throw your opponent down to the lower level or pound them into the elevator and ascend to the upper level
Con Poor character animations
For the most part this is a slick looking game, but there are times when the animations break immersion. The movements of almost all characters are very stiff and at times they even look like inanimate objects. This is especially noticeable during some of the super abilities such as the Batmobile. The character on the receiving end would just stand there and stiffly turn their head towards it.