Pro Diverse gameplay
Hawken has a variety of features that keep gameplay fresh and exciting. First off, it features a selection of game modes that make it unigue from other games. Rather than just have run-of-the-mill modes such as control point, they throw in unique twists that contribute to the mech theme. Missile Assult, the games version of Control Point has you capturing missile silos which shows you visual progress of your victory br launching missiles at the enemy base.
Coupled with this is the variety of maps that have you battling everywhere from epic city scapes to dirty swamps.
Finally, the variety of mechs gives you many different play-styles to choose from. Theres a light agile class, a heavy slow class and everything in between.
Pro Fast-paced action
Just because Hawken is a game that consists of large heavy mechs, don't expect to be spending it slowly clunking around. Hawken is an extremely fast-paced game, which is aided by the fact that each mech is equipped with jump-jets that enable quick movements such as a side dodge or short hover. This keeps games moving quick so there's never a dull moment.
Pro Great sense of immersion
In a mech game a sense of feeling is very important. Hawken does an excellent job of making you feel like you really are in the mech. Whether its firing off a salvo of missiles or stomping your way through a destroyed city, Hawken will always make you feel like your'e right in the action.
Pro Encourages teamplay
In a genre saturated with lone wolf games like Call of Duty, Hawken is a nice change that encourages working with your teammates. For example, to heal you must release you must release a repair drone which leaves you very vulnerable if you don't have someone covering your back. Even during the thick of battle, enemies are quick and you always have to be watching your back. Even during the thick of battle, enemies are quick and you always have to be watching your back for an enemy to flank you. Its moments like this that encourage players to work together.
Con Troubled development history
Hawken has many unfixed bugs and an aggressive micro-transaction strategy. And the approach of complete silence taken by the game's previous developers Adhesive Games when players raised their concerns did not reinstate any trust. Luckily, Hawken was recently given off to a different development team that plans on addressing all of these issues and start implementing new content once that's done.