Pro The player always feels powerful enough to reach the next area
There is a progression of player powers in Godus, but they feel very natural. For example, the player starts with the ability to sculpt one level of terrain at a time. After the player reaches a certain point, they unlock the ability to sculpt three levels of terrain at once. These powers are introduced in a way that makes them easy to grasp but never leaves the player feeling like they don’t have the tools needed to advance.
Pro Varied gameplay
Godus features a couple different types of gameplay, which helps to prevent the game from feeling stale. There’s the main aspect of sculpting the land to allow the player’s followers to expand. Then the player can send some of their followers on mini-game-style voyages to advance their powers. Finally, hidden throughout the world are chests which requires the player to use their sculpting powers to find and help the player become more powerful.
Con Not complete
Godus has been in early access since 2013, and still does not have an official release date. Many early players claim that Godus has been abandoned by the developers, and nothing has been publicly released since early 2015. Some of the initially promised features, such as realistic AI for the player’s followers to make the world seem alive, are still not available in the game.
Con "Freemium" game model for desktop PC
IRL timers are attached to many actions. You will find yourself arbitrarily waiting 30 minutes or longer for certain actions unless you pay IRL money for gems to reduce these times for a short period. The in-game store has been non-functional for some time now.
Con Players spend a lot of time waiting
Godus uses a real-world timer for completing follower buildings. The times used in game seem arbitrarily large, the player can encounter 20 minute wait times after the first 30 minutes of playing. This results in the player spending a lot of time waiting for the game instead of playing.