Clash of Clans is a cross-platform free to play incremental improvement strategy MMO.
The gameplay consists of building and populating a village in order to prepare the tribe for everything it may need by building different buildings for specific purposes such as town halls or army camps. It is through incremental gameplay that the player slowly builds up their base in order to fend of other tribes as well as attack them.
Pro Fun slow paced incremental gameplay
For those looking for a casual game to play at a slow pace in small chunks, Clash of Clans has gameplay that fits that scenario quite well. Players slowly build up their base into a fortress by creating a building to contain within as well as walls to surround it. This all happens over time and can not be immediately done so is a game focused on being played throughout a day in small pieces over many months to years. Slowly but surely the time invested will lead to creating a large base that can take on other large opponents.
Pro Formulated to be very addictive
The whole design of the game was created around having the player come back to the game. Only through making a better and better base and units can one succeed and only through coming back to the game over and over again to upgrade these areas can one do that. It is the promise of success if you just do one more thing, and another, and another that creates the sense that at some point can the player really be "winning", which to many is a very fun feeling.
Con Pay to progress
There's a lot of grind to reach the top levels of the game. Although paying never gives you an advantage over free players, it let's you get there sooner.
Con Too focused on in-app purchases
The game is heavily designed to get you to start paying for things by creating slow moving gameplay with wait timers and overpriced items. Only when players pay real money can the realistically move the gameplay along at an acceptable pace of that found in most paid upfront games.
“Gems”, the game’s premium currency can be used to instantly acquire resources, build buildings, and recruit troops, meaning a high-paying user can get to top-tier buildings in a matter of hours, and seeing as this is a multiplayer game, this gives the paying player a huge advantage.