Artix Linux is a rolling-release distribution, based on Arch Linux.
It uses real init systems, because PID1 must be simple, secure and stable.
Pro Choices for everything
Offers choices of which init system you want among dinit, openrc, runit & s6, versus other nonsystemd Linux Distros. Fast, lightweight, Arch software packages with AUR, incredible simple, choices of DEs on installation and, of course, you can add any other you may want, like XFCE. A real good choice for Linux Desktop.
Pro Rolling distro
Applications are always kept up-to-date and there is no static ISO to reinstall from. This is another feature that helps the new user because they can do upgrades when it is convenient and there is no need to install a whole new operating system. Yes, it is true that many users of Linux shy away from rolling system, mostly because they have little or no experience with them. Today's rolling OS' such as Artix Linux are very well designed, extremely functional and, for the most part, very superbly tested.
Pro Great dark theme
The default dark theme of Artix is well-designed and integrated with most applications, whether Gtk or Qt. This may not seem important at first, but it is a great help for new Linux users. A consistent desktop makes the overall system easier to use. Plus, it is one more thing that the new user need not think about.
Flagged Pros + Cons
Pro Compatible with Arch Repositories
It is fully compatible with almost all packages from community, extra, multilib and AUR.