SSH Port will be different each time you start your DevBox, only for Always on DevBoxes will SSH ports remain static.
Pro Integration with DigitalOcean
CodeAnywhere recently partnered up with DigitalOcean. Now users can manage, spin up and provision DigitalOcean droplets all from the CodeAnywhere IDE. This is a great addition for both products, combining the power of an affordable host with the portability and power of CodeAnywhere IDE.
Pro Allows inviting collaborators with a link
Codeanywhere has a feature called Share Links, that allows users to collaborate with others on their projects in real-time by simply sharing a link to their work.
Con Web editor on iPad is severely lacking
Codeacademy relies on right click for major actions but doesn't support this interaction on iPad. Selecting listed Dev box URLs to access site is also unworkable in practice. iPad app allows the actions but has very limited set of Dev box controls.