Pro Active and helpful community
Users share ideas, help, and advice through the official forums. The community also provides a wealth of free assets, and the FPS Creator Store sees constant additions.
Pro Feature priorities are chosen by the community
The Game Creators team frequent the forums and ask the community for feeback and suggestions both there and via an open poll on the website. They have a great history of reading suggestions, viewing screenshots, and generally working with the community.
Pro Building editor
Currently in development but already looking very good! Easily create big and customized buildings with default building blocks and share them with others.
Also very easy to use in the designer: The buildings are treated like entities but still directly available in the 'building editor mode'.
Pro Massive community of users
The gamer creator forums have a large number of users, developing games, making models for sale and to give away for other users. They answer questions, help each other with problems in their games, and can make using this software so much more fun and easy.