Magicka is a top-down action game with a heavy emphasis on co-op where players utilize and combine all sorts of spells to defeat their enemies.
Pro Chaotic, fun gameplay
Since the main gameplay mechanic of casting spells is skill based where how quickly you execute the key combinations matter, there's a high chance of misclicking or mistargeting and accidentally attacking your ally. Nothing quite like thunderbolting or summoning death on each other.
Pro Unique spell-casting system
Magicka has a unique spell-casting system that's based on queuing up elements such as fire, water and stone. There are 8 basic elements (each assigned to a key) of which up to five can be queued up. Some elements can be combined in the queuing process (such as fire and water to create steam). Then depending on which elements get queued up the effect of the spell changes. Additionally there are 4 casting methods - beam (right-click), area (shift+right-click), self-cast (middle-click), imbue weapon (shift+click).
This creates an huge amount of variety in spells that can be accessed in any given situation.
Con Optimization could be better
At certain times during competitive play, the game can lag or slow down (not rare for an online game), which may mess up the timing of skill shots in the game. Being that timing is highly important to the gameplay, having a poor netcode that fluctuates during play can be upsetting, especially if it results in a loss.