Overwatch is a hero based first person shooter (similar to Team Fortress 2) where teams of players with different roles (such as offense, defense, tanks or support) combat a similar team in a different game modes (such as escort, assault, hybrid or control).
Pro Beautiful graphics
The graphics are very clean as well as brightly colored. Characters in the game each have their own individualistic appearance and exist in a world that looks futuristic as well as beautifully animated. Much of the game stands out in standard Blizzard form as a game that will age well much like World of Warcraft, but still exudes its own style.
Pro Unique progression system
Each character in the game can have upwards of 90 different unlocks, which will take a lot of time invested from the player in order to use the majority. This gives incentive in order to keep the player coming back. Unlockables include things such as emotes, skins as well as victory poses. These can all signify a more advanced player, which makes for great bragging rights.
Pro Unique and fast paced FPS gameplay with character depth
Overwatch combines team-fortress style game modes, traditional FPS gameplay and MOBA-esqe abilities. There are a variety of characters that play completely differently from each other, for example one is a melee basher with a charge ability while another is a super agile character with the ability to zip around the battlefield.
Every character also has an ultimate ability that re-charges throughout the match and can single-handedly change the outcome of a fight.