Jekyll vs Django CMS
When comparing Jekyll vs Django CMS, the Slant community recommends Jekyll for most people. In the question“What is the best open source alternative to WordPress for web-publishing?” Jekyll is ranked 1st while Django CMS is ranked 4th. The most important reason people chose Jekyll is:
You can host your site with great stability and Jekyll support out of the box for free by using [GitHub pages](
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro GitHub Pages offers free hosting with a subdomain
You can host your site with great stability and Jekyll support out of the box for free by using GitHub pages.
Pro Can use HTML to set up your page templates, and markdown for your blog posts
Pro Has a built in server
You can spin up a static server at localhost:4000 by running jekyll serve
Pro Code highlighting with pygments
Jekyll has Pygments code highlighting built in so you can create syntax highlighted code blocks on your blog.
Pro Excels at blogging
Jekyll pages are structured by posts, which makes it easier to build a blog.
Pro Decent documentation
Link to docs
Pro Import your existing blog from many sources
Jekyll supports importing from many dynamic blog engines:
- Drupal 6
- Drupal 7
- Enki
- Google Reader
- Joomla
- Jrnl
- Marley
- Mephisto
- Movable Type
- Posterous
- S9Y
- Textpattern
- Tumblr
- Typo
- WordPress
Pro Has built in watch mode
Watch mode will reconstruct the site as pages are updated which is great for testing.
Pro Large, active and helpful community
Thanks to it's popularity, Jekyll has a large and active community of users. This means there is plenty of learning material available for Jekyll and it's easy to find help from other users when needed.
Pro Customisable with data and collections
Can make sites very different from blogs but with a lot of pages by making templates using data and collections.
Pro Mature
Django CMS is a very mature project, with many core developers working on it constantly and adding new features and bug fixes.
Pro Can integrate with existing apps
Django CMS is more of a Django plugin which can easily be integrated with any Django app to add CMS functionality to it.
Pro Double click to edit
You can double click items to edit them or add pages directly on the website (as long as you're logged in as admin). It simplifies content creation and touch-ups.
Pro Easy to extend
Documents are organized in a tree. You can either create new content area type, new tree nodes, integrate complete existing Django app in the tree, etc. It's pretty easy usually.
Pro Internationalization (multi-language) support
Having a website in more than one language can be very challenging and DJango-CMS supports it well. Switching between languages while keeping on the page for example.
Con It's slow for sites with a lot of posts
Con Little Windows support
Windows is not an officially supported platform and setting it up on Windows requires a lot more tinkering than Linux or OSX.
Con May be an overkill for a simple blog
Django CMS project is a large and complex project, comparable to Wordpress. As such, it may be too much for a simple personal blog considering that it has many features that may never be used in that particular occasion.