When comparing Crafty.js vs Starling JS, the Slant community recommends Crafty.js for most people. In the question“What are the best JavaScript game engines?” Crafty.js is ranked 7th while Starling JS is ranked 12th.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Javascript
Pro Eventbinding
Easy to learn, based on Entities and Components, the later being class-like objects that entities inherit.
Pro Modular
Has open function binding systems, allowing easy creation of custom components.
Pro Free and open source
Starling is available for free with code available on GitHub.
Pro Lightweight
Starling is just 12k lines of code and doesn't try to do everything - but what it does, as efficient as possible.
Pro Strong community support
Forum is always active with knowledgeable developers and with lot of inside info, and post mortems.
Con No IDE
If you like having some huge GUI akin to Gamemaker, Unreal, Unity, etc, Crafty is not for you.
Con Early in development
No stable release of JavaScript version of Starling has yet been released.