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When comparing SpriteKit vs Yae, the Slant community recommends SpriteKit for most people. In the question“What are the best 2D game engines?” SpriteKit is ranked 54th while Yae is ranked 106th. The most important reason people chose SpriteKit is:
Easy to access in Xcode.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Common Questions
Pro Built-in in Xcode
Easy to access in Xcode.
Pro Awesome performance
One of the most efficient frameworks. If you need to build an iOS game, this is the best solutions.
![Thomas “Deathbeam” Slusny](
Ships with easy to use IDE created only for development in it
![Thomas “Deathbeam” Slusny](
Pro Frequent updates
Updated weekly
![Thomas “Deathbeam” Slusny](
Pro Cross-platform
Supports all major platforms
- Windows
- Mac
- Linux
- Android
- iOS
![Thomas “Deathbeam” Slusny](
Pro Multiple languages support
Supports writing games in both Lua and JavaScript and for advanced users it´s plugin system also supports Java.
Con Restricted in apple ecosystem
This is an Apple technology and its use is restricted to iOS and OSX systems.
Con Lone developer
![Thomas “Deathbeam” Slusny](
Con In early development
Do not have as much features as other listed engines.
![ illustration](/images/ai/vetted-illustration.png)