When comparing Natural Docs vs ROBODoc, the Slant community recommends Natural Docs for most people. In the question“What are the best open-source documentation generators for C/C++?” Natural Docs is ranked 3rd while ROBODoc is ranked 6th. The most important reason people chose Natural Docs is:
Natural Docs outputs documentation written in natural language which reads very similar to plain English.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro The output is in natural language
Natural Docs outputs documentation written in natural language which reads very similar to plain English.
Pro Multiple format output
ROBODoc can output the documentation in different formats (HTML, XML, DocBook, TROFF, ASCII, LaTeX or RTF).
Con Does not parse all the folders in the project
Con No C++ full syntax parsing
Does not support full syntax parsing of C++.
Con Supports only HTML
The documentation can only be generated in HTML format.
Con Old
The source code on GitHub has not been updated for years.
Con Requires that you do all the annotation yourself
ROBODoc requires that you do all the annotation so that the parser can derive the documentation. While other documentation generators will derive a little bit more documentation even if you don't add any annotations.