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When comparing MPC-HC vs Dopamine, the Slant community recommends MPC-HC for most people. In the question“What are the best audio players for Windows?” MPC-HC is ranked 17th while Dopamine is ranked 18th.
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Pro Supports H.265, and has for over 5 years
Pro Is actively developed by clsid2 on github
Pro Supports frame stepping with Ctrl+Left/Right
Useful for game development frame debugging. Your average user won't need this. VLC has frame advance, but it's hidden and non-intuitive; not clear if VLC can step backwards.
Pro Beautiful
Can play FLAC too.
Pro Light, easy to use and looks good
Pro Fetch artist biography or lyrics
Pro Play by folder possible
Pro Can use your Windows 10 theme
Pro 2 visualizer to choose from
Pro Can display lyrics
Pro Miniplayer mode
Pro Built-in equalizer
Con Discontinued
It's been discontinued since 2017.
Con Windows only
MPC-HC supports only Windows operating systems.
Con When track ends, next alphabetical track plays automatically, even when playlist empty
This app will continue to play unrequested music until you press the stop button.
Con Doesn't support Album titles that are shared among different artists
"Greatest Hits", for example, will be treated as a single, huge album with different artists' tracks and a single album cover that will be wrong for most.