When comparing Facilethings vs Quire.io, the Slant community recommends Facilethings for most people. In the question“What are the best cross-platform task apps?” Facilethings is ranked 29th while Quire.io is ranked 64th.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Helps the weekly review process
Pro Allows adding items via email
Simply send an email to info@facilethings.com to add a new item to the Inbox.
Pro Support of a "start" date and a "expected" date
This is a very outstanding feature for a gtd App.
Pro Horizons of Focus
FacileThings integrates GTD's Horizons of Focus.
Pro Allows attachments in emails
You can collect stuff in the FacileThings Inbox by sending an email with attachments to the inbox@facilethings.com address.
Pro Full Integration and Syncing with Evernote
All notes are automatically synced.
Capture things in Evernote and the notes will appear in the FacileThings inbox.
Reference Material in Evernote will appear in Facile Things.
Pro Integrates with a bunch of third-party tools
Facilethings can integrate with Evernote, Twitter, Dropbox and Google calendar.
Pro Very simple
Pro Excellent support
Pro Task board available
Multiple configurable task boards (kanban-like) are available for all projects.
Pro Free version
Free for up to 10 team members.
Pro Nice looking
Nice looking modern GUI. Easy to use.
Pro Keyboard shortcuts
Useful keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+F1 gives pop-down help) gives faster task manipulation.
Con Android app
The Android app is not always reliable and doesn't have all of the features of the desktop app.
Con Rather slow
The web app has some performance issues. It feels too unresponsive at times.
Con A lot of clicking
Little inline editing or keyboard shortcuts.
Con Relatively costly
Con No native Windows App
Con Mobile web version is rubbish
Con Not self-hosted
Not available as a self-hosted solution.