When comparing Outdoor Gear Women's Crest Shell Pants vs Addition Elle - Livik Ski Pant, the Slant community recommends Addition Elle - Livik Ski Pant for most people. In the question“What are the best snowpants for plus-size women?” Addition Elle - Livik Ski Pant is ranked 3rd while Outdoor Gear Women's Crest Shell Pants is ranked 4th. The most important reason people chose Addition Elle - Livik Ski Pant is:
There are two pockets at the front, both with zip closures to keep your stuff in your pockets and dry.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Articulated knee
The knee is designed in a way that it doesn't restrict your movement.
Pro Really warm
These pants are really well insulated.
Pro Zip pockets
There are two pockets at the front, both with zip closures to keep your stuff in your pockets and dry.
Pro Adjustable waist band
The pants have an adjustable velcro waist band.
Con Really long
These pants are quite long, so ladies who are average height or shorter may have to get them hemmed.
Con Only come in black
Currently the only color option is black.
Con Only comes in one color
These pants are only available in black.