When comparing Luminus vs Revel, the Slant community recommends Revel for most people. In the question“What are the best backend web frameworks?” Revel is ranked 38th while Luminus is ranked 59th. The most important reason people chose Revel is:
Revel comes bundled with a code reload tool which rebuilds the project on every file change. This code reload tool is also used to run, build and deploy the Revel application that you are building.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro ClojureScript for client-side scripting
Luminus allows using ClojureScript for client-side development. This allows sharing things like validation logic between the server and the client.
Pro Luminus is flexible
Luminus is built on a stack of composable libraries that can be easily swapped to make the application fit the needs of the user. The applications are generated using Leiningen templates and can be initialized with a specific set of features, such as database connections, needed for a specific application.
Pro Good documentation
Luminus provides step-by-step documentation on how to accomplish common tasks.
Pro Simple to setup and use
Luminus is small and flexible. It's geared towards interactive development using the REPL. You can see your changes as you're working without having to restart the application.
Pro Comes bundled with a code reload tool
Revel comes bundled with a code reload tool which rebuilds the project on every file change. This code reload tool is also used to run, build and deploy the Revel application that you are building.
Pro Good examples easy to understand with simple emulated MVC behavior
Pro No need to find and install external libraries
Revel is a "batteries included" web framework, which means that a lot of features already come out of the box. This way you don't have to spend time and find third-party libraries to integrate to the framework for most of the tasks you need to complete.
Pro Easy to learn for fast development
Con Non-idiomatic code
Con Outdated
The world has moved past its MVC obsession. It's not the way the web works anymore. The good thing about go is that it's trivial to write a server applications (literally takes minutes). relying on a bloated, archaic framework is missing the point
Con Dead
Thankfully, this abomination is no longer being developed
Con No official support for mongo
Revel does not come with any support for MongoDB, you can integrate third-party libraries but they have been reported to crash under heavy load.