When comparing Readlang vs WordBrewery, the Slant community recommends Readlang for most people. In the question“What are the best sites for learning foreign languages?” Readlang is ranked 4th while WordBrewery is ranked 10th. The most important reason people chose Readlang is:
You can read any content in your target language using the browser extension, and translate any words/sentences you don't know quickly.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Translates native content quickly
You can read any content in your target language using the browser extension, and translate any words/sentences you don't know quickly.
Pro Creates flashcards from words you don't know
Readlang takes the words you translate most often and turns them into flashcards for you to practice.
Pro You can import long texts, including whole books
This is impossible or very annoying with other similar services.
Pro Responsive web design
Website is functional and sleek on mobile, tablets, laptops, and desktops.
Pro Print PDFs with lists of example sentences and translations
You can automatically create lists of example sentences, then print them to PDFs with translations.
Pro Accurate and reliable sentences written by native speakers
Because WordBrewery uses sentences from real news articles, you study accurate content and will not pick up bad habits from artificial sentences.
Pro Uses examples from real articles
WordBrewery takes sentences from real articles to use in their lessons. This way you are reading real-world examples rather than generated content that would not be used in real life.
Pro Efficient in how they teach you a new language
WordBrewery focuses on the mostly commonly used words so that you are getting the most benefit from the time you put into learning your target language.
Con Not a good way to learn a language by itself
It's not your standard learning website with structured courses. Instead, it helps you get more familiar with your target language by translating content when needed.
This can be really beneficial for someone trying to improve their fluency, but isn't going to directly teach you grammar. Readlang is better used to supplement your learning while learning from structured courses.