When comparing OpenToonz vs Gravit Designer, the Slant community recommends Gravit Designer for most people. In the question“What are the best graphic design programs?” Gravit Designer is ranked 11th while OpenToonz is ranked 20th. The most important reason people chose Gravit Designer is:
Very friendly interface.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Used in many movies/TV shows
It was used by Futurama and Studio Ghibli.
Pro Easy to learn
With a quick 20 minute tutorial, you can get off and running easily.
Pro Simple to understand and use
Very friendly interface.
Pro Cross-platform
It offers total portability to almost any platform.
Pro Modern UI
Pro Friendly keyboard shortcuts
The keyboard shortcuts are very easy to access and remember.
Pro Essential Tools and Effects
Gravit has many tools like Pen tool, Bezigon tool, Lasso tools. We can add Multiple Fills to an element also. It has many effects such as Drop Shadows, Blur, Recolor, Glows, etc. and much more.
Con Crashes a ton
If you are going to use this for a project, make sure you save frequently.
Con Too simple
If you have used vector illustration software for 10 years or more, you may find Gravit Designer too simple and confusing. Trade in your oil paints and brushes for Legos simple.
Con No longer offically licenced with a GPLv3+ version
In 2014 Quasado released Gravit.io having dual licensing: GNU GPLv3+ or a commercial license. This effectively made Gravit.io opensource, when they transitioned to "Gravit designer" they essentially dropped GPLv3+ license.
You can still get the GPLv3+ licensed version of Gravit.io here: https://github.com/OliBridgman/gravit
You can read the GPLv3+ licensing here: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
Con Confusing bugs
Sometimes Gravit Designer can randomly duplicate your files, causing you to waste a large amount of time trying to find the right one.
Con Pro Subscription
Gravit's many basic features are now included in Pro Subscription. Font Import, Bezigon, Swatches and various Blending Modes fall in Pro Subscription now.
Con Very little information
Official sources do not provide a lot information about the program.
Con No integration into the system
It uses it own theme and icons.