When comparing Haskell From First Principles vs Real World Haskell, the Slant community recommends Haskell From First Principles for most people. In the question“What are the best resources for a intermediate programmer to learn Haskell?” Haskell From First Principles is ranked 4th while Real World Haskell is ranked 5th. The most important reason people chose Haskell From First Principles is:
A lot of other resources are outdated and incomplete.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Up-to-date content
A lot of other resources are outdated and incomplete.
Pro extremely thorough
The book really doesn’t skip important details.
Pro friendly, conversational tone
Pro uses spaced repetition
The book is written so that you return to previously encountered material at the right time, which helps your memory lock concepts in.
Pro Free
Available online for free.
Con Rather expensive
The book is prohibitively expensive, especially for a beginner who might only be investigating the language.
Con Poorly organized and hard to follow
The book jumps around, includes confusing function names and many of the code examples don't compile.
Con Not really "real world"
The book doesn't feel very "pragmatic". The title implies a practical approach to Haskell, but it takes way too long to be able to actually create something using this book as lot of time is spent on theory.