When comparing SeaMonkey vs Waterfox, the Slant community recommends Waterfox for most people. In the question“What are the best desktop web browsers?” Waterfox is ranked 25th while SeaMonkey is ranked 27th. The most important reason people chose Waterfox is:
Even faster than firefox.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Full internet suite
Wraps all your internet stuff together. It's like it's Firefox and Thunderbird all wrapped into one, and it kinda is. It's the continuation of the project both of those were extracted from.
Pro Not bloatware
Pro Designed for usability, not looks
Pro Fast
Even faster than firefox.
Pro Offers excellent privacy
Does not phone home.
Pro Never ever freezes
Highly reliable.
Pro Works with Firefox addons
Firefox 56 add-ons compatibility, including unsigned XUL extensions and complete themes.
Pro Less bloated than Firefox
Pocket, telemetry, data collection, startup profiling is removed.
Pro Extremely customizable
It has almost every setting imaginable.
Pro Multiple add-on support
Pro Works with major streaming services
Includes widevine plugin and suitable user agent for viewing major streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Video.
Con Bloated with unnecessary features
Seamonkey has a browser, email client, and even an IRC chat. Too much bloat! It doesn't do one thing, let alone do anything well. It should be avoided.
Con Looks very old and outdated
Con No Addons
not a single adblocker or privacy addon that was useful
Con Lag, lag, lag, freeze, freeze, freeze
Need to do something about it.
Con Owned by an advertising company
The same company that bought Startpage/ Ixquick, System 1. This is a company that gathers information about what you look at and do, analyzes and profiles you, and then sells it off to third parties.
Con Goodish, but still bad
Removes crap from FF, but doesn't offer anything you can't already do in FF. Also, doesn't help they are owned by an ad tech, System1.