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When comparing Log fusion vs Visual Studio Code with Log Syntax Highlighting, the Slant community recommends Log fusion for most people. In the question“What is the best log monitoring software?” Log fusion is ranked 6th while Visual Studio Code with Log Syntax Highlighting is ranked 7th. The most important reason people chose Log fusion is:
Filter and hide lines that are not of interest.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Common Questions
Pro Filtering
Filter and hide lines that are not of interest.
Pro Row highlighting
Can match strings and regular expressions.
Pro Auto scroll
Support for streaming log files
Pro Log syntax highlighting
Highlight log syntax for easy viewing.
Pro Can open large file relatively fast
Visual Studio Code can open a large file rather quickly.
Pro Free
No cons yet!
Con No filtering
It's essentially a text editor, so that's a feature that won't be available, but the search function is powerful enough.
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