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When comparing Toad vs Database .NET, the Slant community recommends Toad for most people. In the question“What are the best SQL Clients for Windows?” Toad is ranked 7th while Database .NET is ranked 14th. The most important reason people chose Toad is:
Toad is maintained by Dell and has great community support.
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Pro Reliable
Toad is maintained by Dell and has great community support.
Pro Free
Toad is free to use.
Pro Portable
Pro Multiple databases
Supported databases:
- SQL Server
- SQL Azure
- LocalDB
- Oracle
- Informix
- PostgreSQL
- HP Vertica
- NuoDB
- Teradata
- Sybase ASE
- Firebird
- SQLite
- Access
- Excel
- VistaDB
- dBase
- FoxPro
- OleDB
- OData
- Text
Pro Diagrams
Can generate diagrams.
Con Fewer features
Still some more features are required to add. Other than that its perfectly fine.
Con No built-in SSH tunneling
Toad currently doesn't provide built-in SSH tunneling.
Con Website
The website looks chaotic and gives a bad first impression of an otherwise good product.