When comparing Signal vs VeraCrypt, the Slant community recommends VeraCrypt for most people. In the question“What are the best tools/apps/extensions to help keep my data private?” VeraCrypt is ranked 2nd while Signal is ranked 4th. The most important reason people chose VeraCrypt is:
Veracrypt is an on-the-fly encryption tool. Meaning that it decrypts files only when they are needed and that the files are otherwise kept encrypted the rest of the time.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Provides security and privacy
Signal uses an advanced end to end encryption protocol that provides privacy for every message every time.
Pro Free and open source
Signal is free and open source software, enabling anyone to verify its security by auditing the code. It's the only private messenger that uses open source, peer-reviewed cryptographic protocols to keep your messages safe.
Pro Supports encrypted group chats
Pro Has a desktop app
Signal Desktop can be used on multiple devices and has most features of the Android version, although it still requires you to register with your phone.
Pro Supports sharing of various different media types
Signal supports: emoji, pictures, videos, audio, contacts, any location and GIF.
Pro Note to Self feature
Allows you to "send: messages to yourself and sync to desktop so you can use Signal as a kind of encrypted Pushbullet alternative
Pro You can easily view all media exchanged
You can easily view all media shared in the chat without scrolling back to when it was shared.
Pro Annonymous Sender (Encrypted)
The sender credentials can be encrypted with the rest of the message, leaving only the recipient address readable by the Signal server. Even if Signal wanted they couldn't see who is talking with who by this mean.
Pro Works everywhere in every country
Unlike most messenger apps, Signal works reliably in all countries by securely circumventing internet censorship.
Pro Recommended by Edward Snowden
Edward Snowden uses this messenger and recommends it to everyone who is concerned about his privacy.
Pro On-the-fly encryption
Veracrypt is an on-the-fly encryption tool. Meaning that it decrypts files only when they are needed and that the files are otherwise kept encrypted the rest of the time.
Pro Free
This project is free and users are encouraged to donate something to keep the project going.
Pro Several encryption cyphers supported
Supports AES, TwoFish and Serpent encryption cyphers.
Pro Open source code
The source code is open to review. It has already had a security audit and it did well, with small problems fixed by authors within days of being reported. Its predecessor source, Truecrypt, had a detailed audit that found its capabilities sound, completed (ironically) shortly before the TC folks decided to call it quits. Anyone skeptical or curious about what it does can see how it works, at the gut level.
Pro Support for AES code in CPU
Most Intel and AMD (and possibly other) CPUs have AES specific instruction sets, so you needn't task the CPU during the en/de/crypt process when using AES, VC throughput is as if the code were in 'firmware'; you can see the effect if you choose anything but AES as your cipher.
Pro Can create containers
It can create containers (like a encrypted folder) which is very useful.
Pro Regular updates
Veracrypt is in active development with constant and regular updates and several external audits in the planning stages.
Pro Multiplatform
Veracrypt is supported on MacOS, Linux and Windows.
Pro Built on top of TrueCrypt
Pro Easy to use
It's easy to understand and use.
Con Needs access to your phone number and contacts to work
Con Single device
Signal can only be registered to one mobile device at a time. But you can link Signal to Signal Desktop.
Con Servers hosted in the US
A security risk due to National Security letters, which require giving up data to the US state, and making it illegal to disclose that.
Con Unreliable notifications
Sometimes messages won't be received if the Signal app has been closed for a long time or hasn't been opened after booting the device.
Con Can't create volumes on the Mac.
The password used to create the volume doesn't open the volume one minute later. VeraCrypt 1.21/FUSE 3.82/macOS 10.12.6. Recreated on 3 Macs now. Unusable.
Con Not plug and play
Requires some tech savvy, so some skill is required, particularly if things go wrong. In the Windows world different UEFI implementations can cause problems in one, not in others, and the solutions are not uniform between issues. For Bitlocker, Microsoft worked out issues with vendors before hand, so if Windows installs and works without bitlocker, it will likely work with it.
Con The UI is not compliant with the Mac
This program does not use Mac UI standards. Nevertheless, it is acceptable.