When comparing Plone vs Squidex, the Slant community recommends Plone for most people. In the question“What are the best open source headless CMS's?” Plone is ranked 3rd while Squidex is ranked 17th. The most important reason people chose Plone is:
Not only does this provides complete transparency to the user, it also enables a large base of developers to work simultaneously on solving any arising the issues and improving the platform.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Open source
Not only does this provides complete transparency to the user, it also enables a large base of developers to work simultaneously on solving any arising the issues and improving the platform.
Pro Remarkable level of security
Plone has been around for almost two decates and to date less than 50 vulnerabilities were discovered in the platform. That's at least ten times less than any of the popular alternatives, including Wordpress, Drupal, and Joomla. In fact, government agencies, such as NASA and FBI use Plone for its high level of security.
Pro Can run on virtually anything
Plone runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, Chromebooks, RaspberryPi, servers, and cloud services.
Pro Multilingual UI and documentation
Plone platform along with all documentation is available in more than 40 languages, including Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Arabic, and Hebrew.
Pro Open source
Pro Versioning
Pro Powerful rule engine for integrations
Pro REST and GraphQL
Pro Slick UI
Pro Generous free package
2 locales, 2 collaborators, many API calls
Con Limited to SImple Content
Limited to simple displaying of contents but will struggle with complex business rules ie ones that require cascading drop-downs, complex nested documents, etc..
Con Un-debuggable Script Editors
You can't debug any of its in-built script editors
Con References
It will allow you to delete references which are used by documents and when you come to open those documents, it will then perform its 'shake' logic to remove it (make it balnk') and will also disappear from history / versioning