When comparing Flystein vs Sebogo, the Slant community recommends Flystein for most people. In the question“What are the best travel search engines?” Flystein is ranked 6th while Sebogo is ranked 20th. The most important reason people chose Flystein is:
If Flystein can't find you a flight that is cheaper than the initial price that you found by at least the amount they take in fees, they will not charge you anything for their service.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Very good refund policy
If Flystein can't find you a flight that is cheaper than the initial price that you found by at least the amount they take in fees, they will not charge you anything for their service.
Pro Fast and helpful service
Pro Good savings
Pro Professional advice
Flystein agents seem to be extremely experienced in travelling. They will never let you take a risk to have too short break before the connecting flight.
Pro Affordable fee
You definitely save more than you have paid for the service.
Pro A very wide variety of options to compare from.
Pro Final flight prices
Sebogo shows the final prices including payment fees.
Pro Easy to use and understand
Easy to navigate, especially on flights and car hire.
Con It´does not offer flexible search.
Con Location of the filters
The filters are quite hidden which does not help.