pyglet vs Ebitengine
When comparing pyglet vs Ebitengine, the Slant community recommends pyglet for most people. In the question“What are the best 2D game engines?” pyglet is ranked 43rd while Ebitengine is ranked 59th. The most important reason people chose pyglet is:
Since pyglet is so tightly woven with OpenGL it allows the support of drawing in 3D.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro 3D support
Since pyglet is so tightly woven with OpenGL it allows the support of drawing in 3D.
Pro Cross-platform
Works with Windows, Linux, and OS X.
Pro Written in pure Python
A small advantage, but being a core Python developer, it may be the best to stick to the roots and develop with pyglet as it is able to compile using other Python interpreters.
Pro Simple
One of the core focuses of Ebitengine is to be simple. The screen is just treated as another image that can be drawn to.
Pro Cross platform
Many platforms are supported, including WebAssembly.
Con Small community/popularity
There is a decent amount of documentation and API to go along with pyglet, but in terms of community support there seems to be very little.
Con Bare-bones
For example, Ebitengine does not have a physics engine; instead games must rely on a separate implementation such as Chipmunk2D.