When comparing Proggy Clean vs Courier Prime Code, the Slant community recommends Proggy Clean for most people. In the question“What are the best programming fonts?” Proggy Clean is ranked 42nd while Courier Prime Code is ranked 113rd. The most important reason people chose Proggy Clean is:
All characters are completely readable in the smallest size. Perfectly usable in terminal and code editors in 12px text size.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro The easiest to read
All characters are completely readable in the smallest size.
Perfectly usable in terminal and code editors in 12px text size.
Pro Hipster among hipsters
Even hipsters will marvel at this font, praising you as the new hipster lord. It is best at around 19px (tested on Mac). Overall, it has better readability than many default fonts.
Pro Even spacing
Courier Prime Code is a monospace font with adjusted Line Height.
Pro Support for standard font weights
Courier Prime supports Bold, Italics, Bold Italics, and Regular font weights.
Con Pixelated
This is, of course, intentional; but it can be hard to look at compared to other smooth mono-space fonts.
Con Smallest font sizes hard to read
Fonts less than 11pt start to fail readability tests. 9pt specifically has an additional issue where brackets don't align.
Con Not really good in all font-sizes
Completely clean pixels, no anti-aliasing so its best viewed in (n*12) pixel size.
Bold font-weight is not really good because of small padding between them.
Con Courier Prime Code 0 (zero) is distinct from uppercase O (Oh)
In the other style, Courier Prime, the 0 (zero) is not distinct from uppercase O (Oh).