When comparing Meslo LG vs Microsoft Verdana, the Slant community recommends Meslo LG for most people. In the question“What are the best programming fonts?” Meslo LG is ranked 15th while Microsoft Verdana is ranked 105th. The most important reason people chose Meslo LG is:
The line spacing in Meslo LG makes it very powerful and gives it an amazing look. The font is especially clear for reading code in Eclipse or Intelli J.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Great line spacing and very easy on user's eyes
The line spacing in Meslo LG makes it very powerful and gives it an amazing look. The font is especially clear for reading code in Eclipse or Intelli J.
Pro Patched Powerline version exists
A patched version for Vim Powerline is easily downloadable and comes with additional glyphs.
Pro Unambiguous characters
The style of characters avoid ambiguity by making every character distinct. For example, a lower case "L" and upper case "i" are unique such that that it cannot be confused, even if you're unfamiliar with the font.
Pro Free with Windows
Pro Compact while light
Packs lots of information into your screen space while remaining clear and never looking crowded.
Pro Renders perfectly at all sizes
Again, particularly in Windows
Pro Looks absolutely gorgeous in Windows
Looks good elsewhere as well, but the world-class hinting here really comes out with the windows rasterizer (probably optimized for it).
Con It's a bit boring
Con Letter 'm' written in size 10 (bold face) becomes just a black square
Con Not monospaced
-if that is an absolute must for you. But don't assume it is until you've tried without...