When comparing Meslo LG vs Fira Mono, the Slant community recommends Meslo LG for most people. In the question“What are the best programming fonts?” Meslo LG is ranked 15th while Fira Mono is ranked 51st. The most important reason people chose Meslo LG is:
The line spacing in Meslo LG makes it very powerful and gives it an amazing look. The font is especially clear for reading code in Eclipse or Intelli J.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Great line spacing and very easy on user's eyes
The line spacing in Meslo LG makes it very powerful and gives it an amazing look. The font is especially clear for reading code in Eclipse or Intelli J.
Pro Patched Powerline version exists
A patched version for Vim Powerline is easily downloadable and comes with additional glyphs.
Pro Unambiguous characters
The style of characters avoid ambiguity by making every character distinct. For example, a lower case "L" and upper case "i" are unique such that that it cannot be confused, even if you're unfamiliar with the font.
Pro Looks great and is easy on eyes
Almost looks like Source Code pro and works great with Intelli J where Source Code Pro renders all junk on one of the primary IDE.
Very good for people who read code through out the day.
Pro Extremely readable
You can look at the code for hours and hours. The height between lines and the spacing is perfect.
Pro Offers better performance in some Emacs builds
This font is used by some Emacs users on Mac OS X in order to get better performance.
Con It's a bit boring
Con Letter 'm' written in size 10 (bold face) becomes just a black square
Con Large line height
Compared to other options, Fira has a high line height, which reduces the number of lines you can see on screen at one time.