When comparing List of fiddles / gists / plunkers vs AngularJS Insights - presentation, the Slant community recommends List of fiddles / gists / plunkers for most people. In the question“What are the best resources to learn AngularJS?” List of fiddles / gists / plunkers is ranked 9th while AngularJS Insights - presentation is ranked 27th. The most important reason people chose List of fiddles / gists / plunkers is:
Anyone is welcome to edit and add more examples.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Crowdsourced
Anyone is welcome to edit and add more examples.
Pro Interactive
A huge list of fiddles / gists / plunkers that you can mess around with.
Pro Interactive
Some examples within the presentation require users participation.
Pro Basic overview
This presentation will give you a basic understanding of AngularJS if you've never heard of it before.
Con Could be confusing for a beginner
These are samples of code rather than tutorials, so someone completely new to Angular might have trouble figuring out what they are looking at.
Con Difficult to follow
These are a slides that were used in a laecture on AngularJS.
Without the speaker filling in some background information, the slides can be hard to follow and don't provide much information.