When comparing elasticsearch-gui vs ELKman, the Slant community recommends elasticsearch-gui for most people. In the question“What are the best Elasticsearch GUI clients?” elasticsearch-gui is ranked 1st while ELKman is ranked 15th. The most important reason people chose elasticsearch-gui is:
Elasticsearch-gui is a free and open source GUI client for ElasticSearch. It's released under the Apache 2.0 licence.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Free and open source
Elasticsearch-gui is a free and open source GUI client for ElasticSearch. It's released under the Apache 2.0 licence.
Pro Cross-platform
Since it's web-based, all you need to run and access the GUI client is a web browser.
Pro Connects to each ES instance (html-based)
Pro Runs as AngularJS client
Can use ElasticSearch as a plugin for AngularJS platform.
Pro Displays basic cluster information
Shows name, number of nodes, number of data nodes, active primary shards, active shards, relocating shards, initializing shards, and unassingned shards.
Pro Allows to explore your ES index
Provides different ways to explore your index, from keyword-based search to facets or filtering options in the query.
Pro Advanced features
It has a lot of features.
Con Looks like it's been abandoned
No updates since 2016 (it's late 2018, at the time of writing).
Con Shows obscure error messages
Obscure error messages are shown when cluster is not configured the way the GUI thinks it should be configured.
Con Have to give an email to get a Free license
Some people don't really want to give my email for a free license.
Con Only runs on docker or linux
Not a great experience compared to desktop GUIs.
Con Cannot edit documents
To edit documents you have to compose a REST request which is no different than using postman or curl.