When comparing AgoraPulse vs Instazood, the Slant community recommends Instazood for most people. In the question“What are the best social media managers?” Instazood is ranked 3rd while AgoraPulse is ranked 9th. The most important reason people chose Instazood is:
[It](https://instazood.com/pricing/) has a good price as an automation tool.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Automatically finds influencers
AgoraPulse will find which users most often mention you and show them to you.
Pro Great for managing conversations
AgoraPulse emulates the way email clients keep hold of conversations. All incoming conversations are in a folder called "Inbox". Clicking on a conversation will display the whole thread and allow you to respond to the conversations right there. It helps you make sure you don't miss anything.
Pro Not too expensive
It has a good price as an automation tool.
Pro Application
The application uses your own IP. That can help your Instagram's account safety.
Pro Statistics
It has statistics that show the conversion rate of the bot's activities, giving you the ability to track its actions.
Pro Automatic actions
Automatically likes, follows, comments, unfollows, DM's, and posts instead of you.
Pro Instagram Direct messeges online
I mostly use its auto DM feature and the ability to have my direct messages online on a browser from any device that feels like having an instagram messenger.
Con Expensive
Starts at $19/mo.
Con Lacks G+ support
Con Manual actions
You can not use Instagram while the bot is running, you should pause the bot first to be able to use it manually.
Con Unfollowing option
Doesn't unfollow just the people not following you back.