When comparing NixOS vs feren OS, the Slant community recommends NixOS for most people. In the question“What are the best Linux distributions for desktops?” NixOS is ranked 19th while feren OS is ranked 40th. The most important reason people chose NixOS is:
Atomic non-destructive upgrades / rollback of a system upgrade / declarative reproducible system configuration / unprivileged installation of packages / transparent source or binary deployment.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro State of the art package manager
Atomic non-destructive upgrades / rollback of a system upgrade / declarative reproducible system configuration / unprivileged installation of packages / transparent source or binary deployment.
Pro Minimal
You can start with a minimal environment and add packages and software to suit your needs as you go along.
Pro Reproducible system
NixOS is configured using the Nix package manager, allowing your system to be replicated and kept in sync across multiple machines. Great for keeping a laptop and desktop in sync.
Pro Robust
Packages don't break after a NixOS upgrade as they are prone to with other distros (especially Arch).
Pro Post installazione
Nel post installazione si apre la finestra che ti permette di scegliere, in tutta semplicità, impostazioni desktop. Bello per un utente desktop che non vuole perdersi nella miriade di opzioni kde
Pro Stabile
Basata su Mint... la stabilità è assicurata!
Pro Bella
Bella da vedere. Permette di lavorare e rilassarsi con semplicità. L’attenzione ai dettagli grafici rende il lavoro più piacevole
Pro Scelta kernel
Feren semplifica la scelta del kernel tramite un’apposita sezione.
Pro Hardware
Installare hardware è semplificato tramite l’interfaccia di Feren
Con Documentation is not good
A lot of the documentation of various functions is buried on the source code, their respective manuals, or non-existent. The documentation, the conventions, and the scattered toolchain really made searching for stuff easily missable.