When comparing Zombie.js vs Puppeteer, the Slant community recommends Puppeteer for most people. In the question“What are the best headless browsers for testing?” Puppeteer is ranked 2nd while Zombie.js is ranked 4th.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Runs on Node.js
Zombie is built on node.js, making it very easy to integrate with your project and into your testing toolchain. It only requires JavaScript to run.
Pro Fully featured api based interaction and assertion
The way the api is built makes it very easy to add to your test framework.
Pro Claims to be "Insanely Fast"
It's a lot faster than fully fletched browsers and a lot lighter. Partly because it really only focuses on headless loading of pages along with their JavaScript (not taking really care of rendering or more visual resources).
Pro Works great with modern node.js features
Pro Runs a real browser
Unlike the other options here, this is a real browser, just without the GUI parts. This means the quality of the test is much higher, and lets you do things like save to PDF or images.
Pro Actively developed and promoted by Google
Pro Complete API for Chromium included
Chromium tests depend on the same API that Puppeteer gives you access to, so all the features are included
Con Support has waned
As of August 19, 2016, Zombie hasn't received a commit since January 2016. Issues get comments like "patch welcome".
Con Stale documentation
Full API documentation has been missing since the start, making it frustrating to use.
Con Fails to load many sites
As its JavaScript and DOM engine are mostly "just good enough" and because by design it'll report all errors and stop there, many complex sites will not load properly through Zombie.js.
Con No screen-shot
As it doesn't render the page, you cannot get a screenshot to for testing or reporting test failures.
Con Not good for Cross Browser Tests
Since it only tests via Chromium, it won't help you test inconsistencies between browsers like Edge or Safari. There are projects to get around this, but they aren't mature.