When comparing LightPaper vs Letterspace, the Slant community recommends LightPaper for most people. In the question“What are the best Markdown editors for OS X?” LightPaper is ranked 21st while Letterspace is ranked 32nd. The most important reason people chose LightPaper is:
Can be extended to support Multimarkdown, GFM-style code fences with syntax highlighting and even math rendering.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Extended markdown support
Can be extended to support Multimarkdown, GFM-style code fences with syntax highlighting and even math rendering.
Pro Advanced file-management built-in
Can browse and open files and even has a built-in fuzzy file search.
Pro Built-in preview
Pro PDF & HTML export
Pro Your own preview template is supported
You can create your own template that is aligned with your branding.
Pro Full featured iOS app
This was a iOS first app and that is clear. Great swipe bar interface on iOS.
Pro Simple, yet powerful interface
Keyboard shortcuts for basic text formatting. A few theme options. Full screen mode and swipe gestures.
Pro @mentions and #tags for easy organization
Pro Advanced Markdown support
Features Markdown support that many other text editors don't; such as Todo's ( -[x] ) and Strikethrough.
Con Crashed repeatedly and refused to open without crashing after theme installation
Con Spell checking needs to be activated every time you open a file
In order to activate the spell checker you have to do so every time you open a file in LightPaper. There's no way to leave this setting on by default.
Con No in-app Markdown preview
You can export to PDF or HTML with formatting, but no preview in the Mac app.