When comparing Gechic 1303i vs Planar PCT2235, the Slant community recommends Planar PCT2235 for most people. In the question“What are the best monitors?” Planar PCT2235 is ranked 138th while Gechic 1303i is ranked 222nd. The most important reason people chose Planar PCT2235 is:
The PTH2235 comes with a set of two in-built 3-watt speakers.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Lightweight
The Gechic 1303i is significantly lighter than the overwhelming majority of its competitors because it weighs less than 2 pounds.
Pro Supports multi-touch
You have a great degree of control over this monitor thanks to its multi-touch support. The multi-touch feature allows you to control the monitor using up to 10 touch points simultaneously.
Pro High resolution
The Gechic 1303i offers higher resolution than the majority of its equally-sized competitors. This monitor is armed with a 1920x1080 pixel, full HD panel.
Pro Has in-built speakers
The PTH2235 comes with a set of two in-built 3-watt speakers.
Pro Responsive touch pannel
Unlike many low-end touchscreen monitors, the Planar PTH2235 offers nearly perfect touch responsiveness. It can track up to twenty touch points simultaneously.
Con Expensive
You can get a larger stationary monitor for a third of the price of the Gechic 1303i.
Con Expensive
You can get a larger stationary monitor for a third of the price of the Gechic 1303i.
Con Expensive
You can get a larger stationary monitor for a third of the price of the Gechic 1303i.
Con Blurry
The fast-moving objects on the screen of the PTH2235 do introduce a lot of motion blur artifacts. That happens because of the monitor's long full pixel response time.